QIAGEN meldet Ergebnisse für das vierte Quartal und das Geschäftsjahr 2015

VENLO, Niederlande, February 2, 2016 /PRNewswire/ — QIAGEN N.V. (NASDAQ: QGEN; Frankfurt Prime Standard: QIA) gab heute die Ergebnisse der operativen Tätigkeit für das vierte Quartal und für das Gesamtjahr 2015 bekannt. Das Unternehmen hat auf Basis konstanter Wechselkurse (CER) den bereinigten Konzernumsatz und Gewinn gesteigert. Gleichzeitig hat QIAGEN Ziele für die Beschleunigung von Wachstum... Read more

Neue Vereinbarungen unterstreichen QIAGENs führende Rolle in der Bioinformatik

HILDEN, Deutschland und AARHUS, Dänemark, February 2, 2016 /PRNewswire/ — Zentren und Wissenschaftler der FDA erhalten Zugang zu QIAGENs umfangreichen Lösungen für Anwendungen in der mikrobiellen und metagenomischen Analyse sowie anderen Bereichen  QIAGEN N.V. (NASDAQ: QGEN; Frankfurt Prime Standard: QIA) hat heute bekannt gegeben, dass das Unternehmen neue Partnerschaften eingegangen ist, um das Profil seiner... Read more

GE Healthcare’s FlexFactory to power Dr. Reddy’s biosimilar expansion plans

CHALFONT ST. GILES, UK and Bangalore, INDIA – 18 May 2017 – GE Healthcare today announced that Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories Limited will install India’s first-ever FlexFactory, a single-use manufacturing platform to expand the biologics production capacity at its facility in Hyderabad, India. FlexFactory will make Dr. Reddy’s biopharmaceutical manufacturing set-up more flexible and efficient, strengthening... Read more

JEOL Introduces World's Fastest Direct Write E-Beam Tool

May 16, 2017 (Peabody, Mass.) — Since 1967, JEOL has been the industry leader in Electron Beam Lithography design and manufacturing. Now the company enters its 51st year in this field with the introduction of a new high throughput spot beam direct write system, the JBX-8100FS. This new generation of e-beam introduces the capability of... Read more

Inspect 6″ wafers fast with 30% more field of view

DM3 XL Inspection System for Microelectronics and Semiconductor Inspection, process control or defect and failure analysis in the microelectronics and semiconductor industry must be fast and accurate. That’s why Leica Microsystems has developed the highly efficient DM3 XL inspection system for routine applications.  The DM3 XL inspection system offers a unique macro objective with a... Read more

Formulation of Takara Bio Medium-Term Management Plan FY2020

Takara Bio Medium-Term Management Plan FY2020(PDF)    This article is translated from press release in Japanese for your convenience. Forward-Looking StatementsStatements in this news release, other than those based on historical fact, concerning the current plans, prospects, strategies and expectations of the Company and its Group represent forecasts of future results. While such statements are... Read more

The VWR Foundation Approves Grants to Enable Science Education

RADNOR, Pa., April 27, 2017 /PRNewswire/ — The VWR Foundation, a charitable organization dedicated to giving back to the science community, distributed six grants totaling over $44,000 during its Board Meeting earlier this month. Five of the grants were awarded to organizations that are new to the VWR Foundation, and all of them support science education... Read more

MTS Leading Edge Materials Testing Capabilities Drive Advances In U.S. Air Force's Aircraft Design

EDEN PRAIRIE, MN, April 24, 2017 /PRNewswire/ — MTS Systems Corporation (NASDAQ: MTSC), a leading global supplier of high-performance test systems and sensors, has strengthened its global reputation as the industry leader in materials and structures testing for mission critical purposes. Through application of its comprehensive materials test technology, MTS is playing an integral part in... Read more