Be part of it: Global Summit on Best Practices in Preanalytics

The Global Summit for Best Practices in Preanalytics is back! The conference will be held October 15-18 at the Embassy Suites Ayrsley Hotel and Convention Center in Charlotte, North Carolina (USA). This event should not be missed by staff in the medical industry as well as phlebotomists! The Preanalytics Global Summit for Best Practices is... Read more

Official Opening of the APAC Support Center in Shanghai

Supporting customers in the Asia-Pacific region News The opening of the ZEISS Microscopy APAC Support Center (ASC) in Shanghai is another milestone for ZEISS Microscopy to enable and support customers in the increasingly important and growing APAC region. “We can only ensure sustainable growth if we’re in a position to deliver the services our customers... Read more

Thermo Fisher Scientific Highlights Digital Science Innovations at Analytica 2018

MUNICH, April 10, 2018 /PRNewswire/ — Analytica 2018 — Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. (NYSE: TMO), the world leader in serving science, today unveiled an expanded portfolio of new instruments and software designed to accelerate discovery and enhance productivity for customers working in pharma and biotech, environmental analysis, academic research and other applications. Digital science highlights on display... Read more

ZEISS delivers tomographic imaging with results 4x faster for geologists & geological industries

Iterative reconstruction with ZEISS OptiRecon News The new module for the ZEISS Xradia Versa 500-series of 3D X-ray microscopes (XRM) will allow users to acquire high quality images in one-quarter the time: ZEISS OptiRecon uses a new, advanced iterative reconstruction technique. Now you can make the optimal choice for your requirements: same quality images four... Read more

Neue Vereinbarungen unterstreichen QIAGENs führende Rolle in der Bioinformatik

HILDEN, Deutschland und AARHUS, Dänemark, February 2, 2016 /PRNewswire/ — Zentren und Wissenschaftler der FDA erhalten Zugang zu QIAGENs umfangreichen Lösungen für Anwendungen in der mikrobiellen und metagenomischen Analyse sowie anderen Bereichen  QIAGEN N.V. (NASDAQ: QGEN; Frankfurt Prime Standard: QIA) hat heute bekannt gegeben, dass das Unternehmen neue Partnerschaften eingegangen ist, um das Profil seiner... Read more

QIAGEN meldet Ergebnisse für das vierte Quartal und das Geschäftsjahr 2015

VENLO, Niederlande, February 2, 2016 /PRNewswire/ — QIAGEN N.V. (NASDAQ: QGEN; Frankfurt Prime Standard: QIA) gab heute die Ergebnisse der operativen Tätigkeit für das vierte Quartal und für das Gesamtjahr 2015 bekannt. Das Unternehmen hat auf Basis konstanter Wechselkurse (CER) den bereinigten Konzernumsatz und Gewinn gesteigert. Gleichzeitig hat QIAGEN Ziele für die Beschleunigung von Wachstum... Read more

Ministry of Health and GE delivering digital solutions to bring transformative change to Kingdom’s healthcare sector

Key solution deployed is the cloud-based Electronic Medical Records (EMR), a comprehensive hospital information system which enhances the care experience for both patients and doctors through improved access and qualityMilestone achievement supports the National Transformation Plan for the Read more

Ministry of Health and GE delivering digital solutions to bring transformative change to Kingdom's healthcare sector

Key solution deployed is the cloud-based Electronic Medical Records (EMR), a comprehensive hospital information system which enhances the care experience for both patients and doctors through improved access and quality Milestone achievement supports the National Transformation Plan for the healthcare sector, in line with Saudi Vision 2030 GE is providing digital healthcare solutions to be... Read more

Save the date: Roche Analyst Event at ASCO 2018

Basel, 14 March 2018 Save the date: Roche Analyst Event at ASCO 2018 Monday, 4 June 2018 We are pleased to invite you to an analyst briefing to discuss data presented on the Roche Group’s oncology products and pipeline at the American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO) in Chicago (1 – 5 June... Read more