The XPE205 features a new StatusLight™ which allows users to see, at a glance, that all balance tests are up-to-date and that it’s safe to start the weighing process. When balance calibration and routine tests are up to date, and the balance is level and performing correctly, the StatusLight clearly indicates with a green light that it’s safe to start weighing. Warnings are shown in yellow, with errors in red. The user has the security of knowing that all acquired weighing results meet pre-defined process requirements and hence also the relevant regulations.
The revolutionary StaticDetect™ provides visual reassurance that weighing results are not influenced by electrostatic charge. Influences from electrostatic charge are one of the biggest challenges in analytical weighing. Through normal handling, samples and weighing containers can easily accumulate static, leading to difficulties in dosing and errors in weighing results. With high electrostatic influence, it may not even be possible to achieve a stable reading on the balance. When a container or sample is placed on the balance, StaticDetect measures the weighing error attributable to electrostatic charge and provides a warning if the process tolerance limit is exceeded. Antistatic measures can then be employed. The new compact point electrode accessory attaches to the side of the balance for convenient deionization of charged samples and containers. For the highest process security, users can elect to block the release of the weighing result.
Other balance intelligence features include RFID with read-write capabilities. By fixing SmartSample™ RFID tags to titration beakers, sample information entered at the balance can be securely transferred to METTLER TOLEDO’s InMotion™ Autosampler. RFID tagged pipettes can also be scanned at the balance via EasyScan to check calibration and test dates, guaranteeing that pipettes are valid for use. Test dates on the tag can be updated when the pipette check is carried out using the built-in balance application. The new RFID capabilities not only eliminate transcription error but also offer users a higher level of process security.
XPE balances have also been designed with flexibility in mind. As individual needs grow and change, it’s easy to adapt XPE balances over time through the addition of accessories, LabX Laboratory Software and even Quantos powder and liquid dosing modules. In this respect, XPE balances offer users a sustainable investment by meeting their weighing needs not only of today but also for many years to come.
For more information, please visit www.mt.com/XPE-Analytical.
Selection Process – Winners of the R&D 100 Awards are selected by an independent judging panel and the editors of R&D Magazine. The publication and its online portal serve research scientists, engineers, and other technical staff members at high tech industrial companies and public and private laboratories around the world.
Winners will be recognized at the R&D 100 Awards Banquet on November 7, 2014, in Las Vegas, NV. A list of winning innovations is on the R&D 100 Awards website, www.rdmag.com.