Introducing a new X-ray micro-computed tomography (microCT) system

ZEISS Xradia Context microCT offers full context, large field of view, and high throughput imaging


In recent years ZEISS redefined the way to perform 3D X-ray tomography measurements in the laboratory with the breakthrough ZEISS Xradia Versa and Xradia Ultra product families.  By incorporating synchrotron-inspired optics and acquisition methodologies, these X-ray microscopes (XRM) surpassed many of the traditional barriers limiting lab-based computed tomography, offering performance comparable to beamline instruments.

ZEISS has now expanded its portfolio of lab X-ray imaging instruments with a new micro-computed tomography (microCT) system: ZEISS Xradia Context microCT will expand the offering with full context, large field of view, and high throughput imaging, while ZEISS Xradia Versa and Xradia Ultra X-ray microscopes will continue to address challenging 3D imaging problems, particularly when high-resolution needs are paramount. ZEISS Xradia Context microCT will enable users to image objects both large and small, addressing the broad range of computed tomography applications with a foundation built on the high performance and high data quality for which ZEISS Xradia has become known.

With a robust stage and flexible software controlled source/detector positioning, you can image large, heavy (25 kg), and tall samples in their full 3D context, or maximize geometric magnification with small samples for sub-micron resolution. A high pixel density detector (six megapixels) enables you to resolve fine detail even within relatively large imaging volumes (up to 140 x 165 mm field of view with stitching). Users benefit from:

  • Rapid sample mounting and alignment and a streamlined acquisition workflow thanks to the user-friendly Scout-and-Scan control system
  • Fast exposure and data reconstruction times, including automated reconstruction
  • An optional autoloader for automated handling and sequential scanning of up to 14 samples
  • In situ options to perform 4D experiments
  • Proven usability and image quality – based on same platform as well-regarded ZEISS Xradia Versa series, including a selection of high purity X-ray filters and advanced acquisition control algorithms for optimized stability

ZEISS Xradia Context microCTZEISS Xradia Context microCT offers full context, large field of view, and high throughput imaging

Serving a wide range of applications

ZEISS Xradia Context microCT serves a variety of applications spanning across academic research to industrial inspection and process development:

  • Obtain full context and non-destructive 3D data of large intact devices, like functioning batteries and electronic components, large raw materials samples such as whole cores and biological specimens.
  • Characterize porosity, cracks, or other details in structural and raw materials including heterogeneous rock types, additive manufactured parts, composites, protective coatings, concrete, or mineralized tissue.
  • Explore a wide variety of life science samples from single bones to whole organisms for non-destructive examination of internal structure and localization of regions for further imaging or analysis.
  • Perform 4D evolutionary studies, through ex situ treatment or in situ sample manipulation, to understand phenomena like corrosion, material deformation, fluid flow, or electrochemical cycling.

ZEISS Context microCT3D scan and virtual cross section through a lithium ion battery cathode. This cathode was extracted form a cycled battery, and shows damage in the electrode particles as well as current collector. Sample courtesy of: Prof. D. U. Sauer and Prof. E. Figgemeier, ISEA, RWTH Aachen University. ZEISS Context microCTA small sample of fiber composite scanned at high resolution with ZEISS Xradia Context microCT. This composite contains both carbon and glass fibers in a polymer matrix, which are resolved with high contrast.

Ready to grow with your needs

Reviewing the development of laboratory X-ray technology, ZEISS broke through the traditional barriers existing in the lab X-ray imaging market with the ZEISS Xradia Versa and Xradia Ultra XRM product lines. ZEISS Xradia Ultra created an entirely unique operating space with spatial resolution down to 50 nm, offering researchers the chance to examine interior structures that were previously accessible only with destructive serial sectioning methods coupled with electron microscopy.  With ZEISS Xradia Versa, new Resolution at a Distance (RaaD) technology opened the door for maintaining high resolution, sub-micron imaging conditions even at larger source to sample working distances, greatly expanding the operating space for high performance data acquisition on large samples, within demanding in situ environments, or with advanced imaging modalities like phase contrast or diffraction contrast tomography.

Today, ZEISS continues to extend the capabilities of its X-ray imaging products in the field with newly offered functionality, modules, and upgrade options to meet your evolving needs.  ZEISS Xradia Context now joins this family and inherits this same commitment to extendibility that ensures your initial investment will be protected well into the future. As high performance needs arise, ZEISS Xradia Context is the only microCT that can be converted in the field to a ZEISS Xradia Versa X-ray microscope, gaining full access to the high performance and advanced functionality for which the ZEISS Versa series has become well-regarded.

More information on ZEISS Xradia Context microCT

Tags: X-ray Microscopy