For automotive manufacturers and auto parts suppliers, obtaining component cleanliness results rapidly, accurately, and reproducibly over the entire workflow is a significant advantage. Making it easier to build up facilities, knowledge and expertise in component cleanliness Pall and Leica can offer unique workflow solutions fitting to individual needs and compliant with common standards. Often for these quality control tasks, multiple instruments from several suppliers are used to perform the analysis. More convenient are one-stop shop solutions from only one source.
Benefit from over 30 years of experience of dedicated specialist from Pall & Leica in the field of technical component cleanliness and the continuous development of new solutions.
Learn about workflow solutions tailored to your specific needs. etc.Get inside into basics in component cleanliness important for your daily work.
Key Learnings:
- Why component cleanliness is important
- Fields of application, requirements and standards (ISO 16232, VDA 19 and ISO 4406)
- Critical dimensions and measuring parameters
- Attain objective, accurate and reproducible results (VDA19 standard analysis)
- Benefit from workflow solutions of Pall & Leica
- Complete portfolio with dedicated solutions fitting to each need
- Benefit from automated microscopic evaluation and classification of particles retained on filters