Be part of it: Global Summit on Best Practices in Preanalytics

The Preanalytics Global Summit for Best Practices is a leading educational conference for healthcare professionals that collects samples in clinical laboratories or healthcare facilities. This three-day conference (October 15-18) in Charlotte, North Carolina, will provide lab managers and leaders, phlebotomists, educators, nurses, and medical technologists with the opportunity to improve their sampling skills and knowledge, as well as organizational topics such as enhancement of employee relations.
The Global Summit for Best Practices in Preanalytics offers the participants presentations on two main topics, according to their needs, between which the participants can choose after successful registration:

  • Improving Sample Collection
  • Improving Your Laboratory Environment

Registration will end on October 15, 2018. Please note that the participation in the Global Summit for Best Practices in Preanalytics is chargeable and self-paid. GBO does not cover the costs of flights, hotels and the event itself.

Inform and register NOW!