Press Release: METTLER TOLEDO Handheld Powder Receives Red Dot Award for Product Design

The Handheld Powder Dispenser (HPD) is a new milestone in powder dosing solutions, ergonomically designed for one-handed operation in laboratory safety cabinets and glove boxes. Sample containers easily connect to the dosing head, greatly reducing the risk of spillages. And by using a separate dosing head for each substance, there is no risk of cross contamination and hazardous materials always remain enclosed, providing a higher level of safety for operators.

All this duly impressed the Red Dot jury comprised of renowned specialists from all over the world, who are key to upholding the high level of competition. As they wrote in their statement, “It’s simple design and control elements support the safe and intuitive use of this powder dispenser.”

By reducing spillage and sample loss, the Quantos HPD brings money and time savings as well. Its one-press dispensing action is also drastically more productive than traditional spatula methods. With the Quantos HPD from METTLER TOLEDO, operators are working faster with fewer spills, less clean-up and lower exposure to chemical risks than ever before.

To learn more about the Quantos Handheld Powder Dispenser (HPD) visit: Handheld Powder Dispensing (HPD)